What Is The SSL Checker Tool And Why Do We Need It?

10 Mar 2023

What is SSL Checker?

SSL Checker is an internet-based tool created with the sole intent of monitoring your SSL certificate and monitoring its expiration date and configuration. Although it's not a requirement, it makes the process of maintaining your SSL certificates current and up-to-date extremely simple.

Why do we need SSL Checker?

If you are you are an IT Professional, you would like to keep your connection and transactions secure. An authentic SSL Certificate will make sure that transactions and other important information are safe and running through a secure connection. Therefore, it is beneficial to be aware of the expiry and configuration dates for Your SSL Certificate. That's where SSL Checker comes in.

You can utilize SSL Checker to check the information about the details of your SSL Certificate e.g. whether it's configured correctly and doesn't support any SSL protocols that are considered to be unsecured. SSL Checker will determine if it is properly configured. SSL Checker can also test the expiration date of your SSL Certificates, and will also send reminders to you about expiration days before the date of expiration.

SSL Checker is extremely beneficial, especially if you have an entirely new SSL Certificate. The SSL Checker will check the certificate and determine if the certificate has been properly configured or not.

When does the SSL Checker test the authenticity of certificates?

We now know of The SSL Certificate checker. You might be wondering where exactly this SSL Checker comes in. SSL Checker checks the certificate and other factors when a browser attempts to connect to the site. The initial handshake for SSL Checker will be performed through SSL Checker to verify the certificate. SSL Checker to check the certification and if there are any issues or not.

How does the SSL Checker work?

We know that the SSL Checker tool can be utilized to make looking over for the SSL Certificate easier. Let's take a look at what the tool is able to monitor.

SSL Checker checks the following: SSL Checker checks:

  • If the certificate is valid, expired or revoked
  • The trustworthy signature of the authority that certifies your certificate and it is not (CA Signature). Your certificate should bear a certificate authority's signature that is trusted.
  • If there is a domain name mismatch. Your server needs an active certificate for each DNS name that is that you have configured for your site.
  • If there is a solid sign-off algorithm is not a factor. Your certificate must have solid protocols and secure signature algorithms. There must be no vulnerable certificate signature algorithms such as MD5 or SHA1. MD5.
  • The chain of trust. This is verified by checking whether you've got just one certificate. One certificate doesn't suffice to be considered as an encrypting server. There are typically intermediate certificates needed to complete the trust chain.

How can we use the SSL Checker?

The use of using the SSL Checker program is simple. Simply enter the hostname with the custom port (optional) and then select Add. When the hostname is listed in the checker list then SSL Checker will be able to detect the hostname. SSL Checker will be on guard for the hostname that you are trying to block.

You'll also be able to check the expiration date for the certificate. It is possible to set an alarm if the expiration date approaches to make sure your expiration is prolonged time before it causes problems. There are plenty of details on the site, such as the various names, certificates, test results, protocols and cyphers, certificates, the Certificate Chain and lots of other information. Therefore, you will have an in-depth view of all the information you need on a site.